Ongoing Trainings

Ongoing training is key to making disciples among the unreached people groups. Our team uses the Chronological Redemptive Bible-Storying approach to help people have a firm foundation in the gospel and have their worldview transformed by His word. Trainings continue with story sets about the Life of a Disciple, Persecution, the Church, and more.

God has worked through these trainings along the Mekong River in amazing ways to see unreached people groups accept Christ together, be trained in His Story, prayer, and persecution and return to their villages together in one accord to reach the rest of their people. Leaders continue to come to regular trainings and are equipped to know and obey God’s word and return to equip those in their churches. Each training provides time for practice and prayerful goal-setting for obedience and sharing with others.

Cross-border trainings are an intentional effort to make disciples in nearby communist countries and to win them to Christ and then train leaders who will lead local congregations and go and plant new churches amongst their own people and beyond. This began as trainings for Lahu peoples and then God opened the door for our team to a Buddhist group called the Tai Lue and to others. Thus we began a strategic campaign to disciple Tai Lue people who are then able to disciple others. 

To give towards Ongoing Trainings click here

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Bringing the Gospel to Unreached People Groups of the Mekong

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